Goal $5,000
Fundraising for Cancer Council
Cancer Council
Shitbox Rally Winter 2024
Our Story …

We are really pleased to announce that we're taking part in Shitbox Rally Winter 2024! This year, all the teams are driving their shitboxes from Melbourne to Alice Springs.

Shitbox Rally is the largest community lead fundraiser for Cancer Council in Australia and is now in its 14th year. Part of the participation is that all teams have to raise a minimum of $5,000 but most teams raise well above this amount as you can see with the Winter 2024 rally target set at $2,000,000 plus.

These funds go to Cancer Council and we are extremely proud to be doing our part to support such a worthy charity. The fundraising is the hard part, so any donation you can give is greatly appreciated. Please make sure to follow our progress via this page and the blog post below.

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Here's what I'm doing …

Shitbox Rally is the adventure of a lifetime challenging participants and their cars, worth no more than $1,500, on a 7 day drive across Australia to raise money for cancer research.

The rally is not a race – it’s a fun, colourful, unpredictable adventure with participants travelling at their own pace in smaller groups. Vehicles often break down but “we never leave anyone behind” and each night is spent camping beneath the stars and celebrating the day’s achievements. It all adds up to an incredible opportunity to see Australia’s vast and beautiful countryside and make lifelong friends, many brought together after experiencing cancer themselves or seeing cancer impact family and friends.

Since it’s inception the rally has been the largest fundraiser for the Cancer Council nationally.

raised: $2,455,786
target: $2,000,000
donate now
Snac Pac Feed
showing 33 / 33
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Shannon Prideaux gave $10.00.
Start the journey 💗 Skyela
1 year ago
thank you
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Linda Mcclay gave $50.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>So the crazy has started -now to raise the $5,000. Phone calls &amp; emails to Bunnings &amp; Mitre 10 for their BBQ's - Sunshine Coast [Caloundra, Kawana, Maroochydore &amp; Noosaville], Gympie, Bundaberg &amp; Capalaba] now we play the waiting game.</p><p>For those who have donated directly - Thank you❤️</p>
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Renée & Ryan Warner gave $25.00.
What an awesome thing you are doing! We hope you raise lots of money and spirits along the way.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>Sausage Sizzles for 23rd September, 14th October, 11th November &amp; 9th December se, thank you Cam &amp; Sue's Quality Meats Gayndah for your awesome assistance with the supply of 600 sausages &amp; 30kg of sliced onions for each of these. The thought of cutting up 30kg of onions was not up there on my list of things I wanted to do before I die, let alone 5+ times. Waiting to hear back from Bunnings Bundaberg, Capalaba, Gympie, Noosa, Maroochydore, Kawan &amp; Caloundra about our application to have a sausage sizzle with them.</p><p>I thank all the businesses in Gayndah who have allowed me to put up our flyer.</p>
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Heather Frisken gave $100.00.
Go Lyn, sounds like a great adventure and a great cause. Cancer impacts so many lives, as a patient, a survivor, a family member, a friend, and health professional. … the power of one… 😊
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Heather de Fina gave $50.00.
All the best lyn. Stay safe and we hope you can visit / stay when you’re down this way. Xx Heather and Chris
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Neil and Cheryl Boyte gave $50.00.
Such a fabulous thing to do Lyn. Supporting you all the way and hope have a wonderful time. Neil and Cheryl.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Sharon and Kerry Falconer gave $100.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Annette McCorry gave $50.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Lynette Fitzer gave $18.00.
Kenilworth Markets donations
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Shannon Prideaux gave $40.00.
Mitre10 sausage Sizzle donations
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Discovery Coast Meals on Wheels gave $50.00.
Good Luck from the Committee of MOW at Agnes Water QLD
1 year ago
Thank you for your generous donation, it is truly appreciated.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>Monthly Sausage Sizzles at Sunshine Mitre 10 [Gympie] &amp; Kenilworth Markets [Kenilworth] continue to provide contributions to our fundraising cause.</p><p></p><p> Awesome opportunity to have a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle in Capalaba next Sunday [29/10] presented itself thanks to the awesome Caitlyn from Bunnings Capalaba who thought of us when a charity group pulled out of their slot. This is one of 3 with Bunnings Capalaba - the other 2 being March &amp; May 2024 to raise any last needed funds.</p><p></p><p>Am considering a charity golf day - don't play golf or understand the first thing about it but i think that is what might make this project fun - learning - I can see myself falling over the numerous hurdles that this project will throw in my way as I learn, but I think it will be awesome. step 1 before I get ahead of myself is to meet with the local golf club president - check - got a meeting with him tomorrow morning to see if this thought can turn into a reality.</p><p></p><p>So many ideas but am struggling to get donations from the local community at this point - think it has a lot to do with being a new person in town &amp; most of the business' support the local schools, sporting &amp; not for profit groups already but that's ok, am throwing the net farther afield in the hopes that I catch something out there.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Anonymous gave $1,500.00.
Bunnings Capalaba
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Anonymous gave $500.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>another sausage sizzle under our belt - thank you Sunshine Mitre10 Gympie, a break this weekend and then back to Kenilworth Markets for our next one.</p><p></p><p>Currently working on our Charity Golf Day [1/1/204] &amp; Barefoot Bowls Charity Day [03/02/24]. Hopefully we will see some of our supporters at one of these events.</p><p></p><p>Raffle will be up &amp; running next week - we couldn't do it without the amazing support of all our generous donors - 1st prize is valued at $500, 2nd $350 &amp; 3rd $200</p><p>Thank you - Kenilworth Dairy, Kenilworth Bakery, Maleny Botanical Gardens, Kookaburra Park, Bunnings Capalaba, Affordable on Elizabeth, Clarkes Laser Works, Kenilworth Pharmacy, Gayndah Fruit Growers Mitre10</p>
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>been a little slack on updating sorry - but we have been busy, our Charity Golf Day is now locked in for NYE here at the Gayndah Golf Course, check out our facebook &amp; insta pages for full details, its going to be a fun day, we have even been offered the use of a golf buggy to get around the course selling drinks and snac pacs to the players and better still The Grand Hotel have provided $500 for the winning team on the day - might have to learn how to play myself.</p><p></p><p>Rally prizes have exceeded my expectations, which is awesome - we now have first prize [The Kenilworth &amp; Surrounds Experience] valued at over $700 Thanks to the amazing business' &amp; people of the area.</p><p></p><p>don't forget to check out our social media pages for updates on what we are doing.</p><p></p><p>Facebook TeamSnacPac </p><p>Insta teamsnacpac</p>
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Anonymous gave $10.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Anonymous gave $2.00.
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Grand Hotel Gaynday gave $450.00.
Charity Golf Day
1 year ago
Thank you for your support with our Charity Golf Day - it would not have been the success it was without this support
1 year ago
Snac Pac
Jo Cattanach gave $40.00.
1 year ago
Thank you for supporting Team Snac Pac
10 months ago
Snac Pac
Braedon Prideaux gave $200.00.
10 months ago
Snac Pac
Snac Pac
<p>its been a busy couple of months - Sausage Sizzles galore, at Gympie Mitre 10, Kenilworth Markets &amp; a couple coming up with Bunnings. In addition to our successful Golf Day out at the Gayndah Golf Club followed by a Barefoot Bowls day. We have just finished up our Ladies Get Home Safe basic mechanics course &amp; am in the process of getting the next one up &amp; running.</p><p></p><p>Getting ready for the big drive - Snac Pac clocked up 3,600km in Feb with March coming in at a close 2nd with 3,200km - hoping April is a little quieter but with Sizzles from Gympie to Capalaba via Kenilworth I expect the km's will be up there - think I'm all over this driving thing</p>
10 months ago
Snac Pac
Draytons Contracting gave $300.00.
10 months ago
Thank you for supporting our Charity Bowls Day- we could not have proceeded without your generous donation
10 months ago
Snac Pac
Burnett Regional Funeral Services gave $75.00.
10 months ago
Thank you for supporting our Charity Bowls Day- we could not have proceeded without your generous donation
10 months ago
Snac Pac
Braedon Prideaux gave $1,000.00.
good luck
9 months ago
Snac Pac
Shannon Prideaux gave $430.00.
9 months ago
Snac Pac
Kenilworth Markets Association gave $390.00.
9 months ago
Snac Pac
Big Nutz Diesel Repairs gave $490.00.
8 months ago
Snac Pac
Leith Ross gave $250.00.
Good luck to you both. Travel safe
8 months ago
Snac Pac
Gayndah Show Society gave $350.00.
Car Boot Sale
8 months ago
Snac Pac
Lynette Fitzer gave $500.00.
Team Sponsors
The Impact, Outcomes & Charity

Shitbox Rally is a dedicated fundraising event for cancer research with funds going to Cancer Council.

Cancer Council is one of the largest non-government funders of cancer research in Australia. We conduct and fund research studies across all cancers and all stages of the cancer journey.

Thanks to the community funds raised such as Shitbox Rally we can fund world-class research that reduces the impact of cancer for everyone.

$50 million over the past 15 years has been raised by Box Rallies to date, supporting ground-breaking projects such as:

  • A research study to develop a vaccine that protects against lymphoma cancers.
  • A research trial to standardise international guidelines on melanoma removal.
  • A research grant to revolutionise the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

These projects wouldn’t be possible without your support.